Quest System - Feature Spec No. 14

Feature No. 14a [quest system] +14b [UI and quest tracker] 14c [reward system]
Major quests to proceed in the story, and side quests to farm rewards and explore the world
Importance: +++++ / difficulty: +++++




Core system: Quest system (triggering quests, and rewards after completing)

Core pillar 1: The user can follow the main quest to complete the story and earn rewards

Core pillar 2: Users can complete side quests for small rewards, as well as learn more and immerse themselves in the world

The quest system creates most of the story and therefore guides the early gameplay of the game. There are two types of quests, main quests, and side quests. Main quests are related to the main story of the game. These quests will take the longest to complete, including the most cutscenes (feature spec 3a), introduce major NPCs and major enemies, and will include a lot of combat (feature spec 1). The rewards for completing main quests include currency (feature spec 5), and gear and items (feature spec 6). Side quests on the other hand do not include cutscenes, are easier to complete (take less time and have less difficult combat), and therefore give smaller rewards. The quest menu and UI allow the player to easily navigate to the desired quest and view their locations on the minimap.




Main quests:

  • The main quests tell the story of the game through a series of missions.
  • These quests are unlocked one at a time, with each quest automatically unlocked after the completion of the previous one.
  • Each of these quests will begin and end with a cutscene (spec 3)
  • The quests themselves involve talking and interacting with NPCs, as well as a primary focus on combat (spec 1)
  • Each quest will end with a difficult battle or challenge such as a boss fight. (spec 1)
  • Each quest is slightly more difficult than the last, to account for player enhancement (spec 2)
  • The quests are spread across all regions of the map so that by the end of the main quest line the player has visited each main region at least once. (spec 8)
  • Each quest tells part of the story of the game so that by the end of the main quest line the player has learned the entire story.
  • The rewards for each main quest include a large amount of currency, some premium currency, as well as strong gear and weapons (specs 5 and 6).



Side quests:

  • NPCs will be placed throughout the world that gives the player a small quest to complete, with a small reward if completed.
  • Side quests are usually repeatable to allow the player to farm currency or materials if they wish.
  • The rewards scale with player level (spec 2)

  • - Gathering quest: The NPC will request the player to gather some type of material from the wild and bring it to them. The rewards should include currency or useful items such as consumables.
  • - Combat quest: The NPC will ask the player to clear out a group of enemies at a location or will challenge the player to a duel themselves. Rewards include currency or gear such as weapons or armor.
  • - Delivery quest: The NPC gives the player something to bring to a different NPC in a nearby location. Rewards include currency.
  • - Escort quest: Similar to a combat quest, but with a priority on protecting the escorted NPC rather than just killing enemies. Gives the same rewards as a combat quest.
  • - Puzzle quest: These quests are “hidden” quests, not given by an NPC. Puzzles are present in the environment and are solved via a specific action or spell in a specific (often hidden) location. These locations are often hard to reach, such as requiring parkour (a jumping puzzle). Each player can only receive a reward for a puzzle one time, they are not farmable.


Quest UI and menu:

  • Lists all quests available to the player
  • Lists quest requirements for completion
  • Shows player progress on the requirements
  • Shows quest rewards or potential rewards
  • Contains a navigation button to show the player how to get to the quest location
  • Marks quest locations on minimap
  • Notifies players when a new quest is unlocked
  • Pops up a rewards screen when a quest is completed




  • Main quest system that unlocks the corresponding quest after the previous is completed
  • Quest UI and menu
  • Main quest cutscenes (spec 3a)
  • Main quest dialogue, voicing, music
  • A quest tracking system that checks player progress on the quest
  • A quest reward system that gives the player the completion rewards when the quest is finished
  • Side quest system that allows for repeatable quests, and unlocks quests via talking to NPCs
  • Quest markings and location on the minimap (spec 8)
  • Puzzle quests are hidden around the world that trigger upon a specific player action


Beat by Beat


Main quest:

  • Player wants to continue in the story through the main quest
  • Player sees the quest available in the quest UI
  • Player goes to the main quest-marked location on the map (spec 8)
  • Player watches the opening cutscene
  • Player plays through that part of the story via battles and traveling to locations, talking to npcs, etc.
  • Player watches the ending cutscene
  • Player obtains rewards through the rewards popup
  • Player unlocks the next main quest


Side quest:

  • Player wants to do a specific type of side quest and finds it in the quest menu
  • Player navigates to a side quest location via the quest tracking
  • Player goes to an NPC that gives them that side quest
  • Player accepts the quest
  • Player goes to the quest location and completes it
  • Player goes back to the NPC and collects their rewards
  • Player decides to farm that quest again, or go do something else




  • Quest UI graphics
  • Quest menu graphics and sounds
  • Main quest cutscene animations and sound
  • Main quest dialogue
  • Quest descriptions (text)
  • Side quest NPC graphics
  • Reward screen graphics and sounds


Quest Menu 1, shows quest requirements and progress

Quest rewards popup

Quest Menu 2, shows quest types, rewards, and navigation

Quests are shown on the minimap


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