UI System - Feature Spec No. 15


Feature No. 15a [settings panel]
The setting panel to change the setting including sound, image, hot keys etc
Importance: +++++ / difficulty: +++





Vision Canvas: players will feel convenient and clear when they view the UI system and could easily make changes to settings

Core Pillar: User can have a clear view of UI system to manage settings or know what is happening

Players could use the setting panel to change the settings including sound, image, hotkeys etc. The settings should be split into the in-combat part and the out-combat part. The in-combat settings should include image qualities, sound level, brightness level, hotkeys settings, interaction and communication options etc. And the out-combat setting should involve the setting for background music, the sound level and the window size. The setting panel should display those setting options correctly.



  • Before entering the combat, players could manage both the in-combat and out-combat setting panels.
  • After entering the game, players could only moderate the in-combat setting panels.
  • Once the change is made, update the setting immediately.



  • image qualities/sound level/ 
  • brightness level/ hot keys settings/ 
  • interaction and communication options background music/ 
  • window size


In-combat Setting panel UI

In-combat Setting panel UI


Feature No. 15b [battle statics]
Players could view the combat statics here, including damage dealt, damage taken etc.
Importance: ++++ / difficulty: +++





Vision Canvas: players will feel convenient and clear when they view the UI system and could easily make changes to settings

Core Pillar: The user can have a clear view of UI system to manage settings or know what is happening

Players could view the combat statics here, including damage dealt, the damage is taken, etc.




  • The statics should change in real-time, as players could have a clear view of the combats. Players also have the chance to view the final statics once the game is over. The statics should include damage is taken/damage dealt/physical damage/magic damage etc.




  • Players click the in-game battle assistants
  • Display the real-time statics of the combat
  • Game over
  • Players could view the final statics of the combat




  • damage is taken/
  • damage dealt/
  • physical damage/
  • magic damage





In battle damage statics


Feature No. 15c [third-party plugins]
Players could manage and input some third-party plugins here
Importance: ++++ / difficulty: +++++





Vision Canvas: players will feel convenient and clear when they view the UI system and could easily make changes to settings

Core Pillar: User can have a clear view of UI system to manage settings or know what is happening

Players could manage and input some third-party plugins here


Feature No. 15f [right click menu]
for items / interactable units / other players
Importance: ++++ / difficulty: ++++




Vision Canvas: players will feel convenient and clear when they view the UI system and could easily make changes to settings

Core Pillar: User can have a clear view of UI system to manage settings or know what is happening

Players could right-click to open or use items / interactable units / other players




  • The UI system displays the items/moves/orders the players could use or make. By simply right-clicking, players could operate certain tasks easily.





  • Right-click the items, teammates or spells to cast or interact.
  • Play the corresponding animation and update the current states.




  • Right-click to use items




Feature No. 15d and 15e [in battle UI] and [buff & debuff]
The display of all kinds of buff and debuff and HP & MP etc. / special effects
Importance: +++++ / difficulty: +++





Vision Canvas: players will feel convenient and clear when they view the UI system and could easily make changes to settings

Core Pillar: User can have a clear view of UI system to manage settings or know what is happening

The display of all kinds of buff and debuff and HP & MP etc. / special effects. The details of HP and MP system is explained in feature No. 1e [HP & MP system].




  • Health Bar UI / 
  • animation system /
  •  Magic Bar UI/
  • Buff and debuff UI









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